Images tagged "painting"

0 Responses to Images tagged "painting"

  1. Pingback: Fitness events | Qigong

  2. allfine says:

    Dear Jane

    great to see what you are doing over there. It looks fun. LC

  3. Pingback: My Tweets 2010-08-23 › Psyberspace

  4. lesley shand says:

    Please don’t say I wrote by email.You are welcome to repeat anything I say, just give me another name. I’ll send you a thought out comment later but.;: All you said, painted,wrote about is true, and beautifully put.I didn’t realise until I watched it, but I must have a lot of pent up emotions but to see your clips photos brought it all back.I wept unashamedly,freely and deeply.{I rarely watch T.V.] Lesley Shand P.S. the mayor of Hurunui, Winton Dalley scutinizes your web site and doesn’t like it think its true and quized me.”I’d better look at it, I thought.” So I am. You must be having sucess!

  5. lesley shand says:

    Ps.I don’t mind in the slightest anything you’ve writen so far using my name.I am really sad about your paint brushes,if I’d known, I would have taken them with me, for you.Although I went into automatic, after the earthquake, I took a good still photo of Bains Warehouse Building, your studio as a 2storied building from across Lichfield Street on a Leica digital camera.You can have the image/photo.[I am incapable of emailing it!] Best wishes, Lesley Shand

  6. Jackie Jones says:

    Thanks for this Jane. A stark wake up call for those of us out of the zone. Well done you! ( and the engineers)….

  7. allie eagle says:

    Thinking of you Jane, love the sound of your book. keen to see the latest version of poisoning the monkey and hope I can make it to your show before it ends. Are you in Welly for the duration?

  8. Whetu Fala says:

    & tx for passing it on. Glad I’m up late, after wonderful Jane Zusters opening w great catalogue, inc Cushla Parekowhai interview…
    Marian Evans Twitter comment 10 August 2011

  9. Whetu Fala says:

    Tau ke Jane!

    Just wanted to pass on the Marian Evans comment on Twitter for you, sounds like the book launch was fantastic.

    Wish we had been there with you to celebrate your wonderful work AND book.

  10. Jill Graham says:

    Hi Jane,

    “Sending you a big Teddy Bear Hug from across the Tasman”
    Sad to read about the loss of your studio!! Glad no one was hurt and you are able to continue your marvelous work.


  11. lichuan says:

    Hi Jane
    Great images with great arrangement. I can see your long scroll paintings in there too. Very beautiful!

  12. Sue Storey says:

    I would like to order a copy of the book .where the home is. Many thanks . Sue Storey

  13. Amanda Dowd says:

    Thank you for that gentle, quiet contemplation of the Bumblebees in the poppy field.
    I love your plein air landscape, too.

  14. mark says:

    Fantastic! what a wonderful expression of nature in summer! great gift thank you

    (friend of Richard Clayton and Gareth)

  15. Amanda Rees says:

    What a trippy delicious bumble bee video, and great to read a synopsis of such a good year for you.

  16. Grant Banbury says:

    You’re always exploring Jane – the video is intimate and lovely

  17. Anne Riethmaier says:

    Never give up, keep working on your beautiful paintings Jane – I had hoped you did not suffer too great a loss, and often think of your inspiring workshops, kind regards Anne Riethmaier

  18. Whetu Fala says:

    Congratulations Jane for being a finalist in 2013 James Wallace Art Awards!

  19. Sorry I am not in New Zealand to come to your opening. What a wonderful tribute to nature and I hope it increases a growing respect for nature. Best wishes,

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  21. Tessa Warburton says:

    Hi Jane,

    Happy New Year to you! Loving the new work and the online publication. Hope all is well with you.


  22. Jane Zusters says:

    Thanks, great to get your feedback about my new work and Happy New Year to you too.

  23. Pingback: Days 2 & 3 Waiheke Arts Festival | Chris Preston

  24. Dr louise allen says:

    Well im very good art friends with Jude moore chisholm and i love your bricolage photography and would love to meet and chat. Im a figurative painter. Hoping you will maybe contact me for chats. Via Judith perhaps. Dont dismiss me until you perhaps see some of the work. Im trying to get a group show with Jude for 2020. Much respect. Lou.

  25. fitri says:

    Children were seen looking around the room with a big smile

  26. fitri says:

    Has the exhibition ever been held again?

  27. fitri says:

    Which exhibit has a deep impression on you?

  28. Jane Zusters says:

    No Diane
    Has not been shown again
    Thank you for your interest

  29. Jane Zusters says:
  30. Jane Zusters says:

    I love the cemetary with the fallen angel in the snow

  31. why can it be a red zone?

  32. Jane Zusters says:

    All life is artcand all art has life